Over the last few months I’ve used several tips and tools to help inspire me and today I want to share my favourites and challenge you to implement them over the course of one week through my 7 Day Simplicity Challenge. I promise it will inspire change!
Now, to be clear, I’m not just talking about physical ‘stuff’, but ALL the ‘stuff’ that weighs us down mind, body and spirit. Doing this challenge will not only help you feel lighter and liberated – decreasing stress and anxiety – but I believe that when we purge the old, we create space for the new. New opportunities, adventures, relationships – the list goes on. The best way to foster change in our lives is to create the space to welcome it in.
So what do you say? Are you up for a 7 Day Simplicity Challenge?!
Let’s get started!
My 7 Day Simplicity Challenge:
Day 1: Choose one area in your home that needs purging and make a plan to clean like nobody’s business! Be ruthless – donate, sell, recycle – only keep what brings you joy. Period. If it’s not breathing life into you, it’s sucking it out of you. So get out that garbage bag and get purging!
Day 2: Say ‘No’ to at least one ‘ask’ today and the rest of this week. Most of us don’t like to hurt or disappoint others but the harsh reality is that we often find ourselves in a pattern of self-sacrifice in order to ‘save face’ and please others. Saying ‘No’ may be more difficult for some of you but it can bring such liberation. Don’t waste anymore time divising gracious excuses, remember ‘No’ is a complete sentence and needs no explanation.
Day 3: Go through your email and unsubscribe to at least three email lists that clutter your inbox and your mind.
Day 4: Time to tackle that second area of your home that needs a little ‘simplifying’ love. Again, be ruthless and adopt the mindset that by purging, you are creating the space for the new in your life. Whatever it is that you are hanging onto ‘just in case’, it’s time to let go of the fear of not having your needs met. The universe has your back and everything you need comes to you when you need it.
Day 5: Take your to-do list and highlight what you can delegate. Not just one task, but as many as possible. Ask yourself truthfully what tasks you could relinquish. The trick is asking and then handing over the control so you actually receive the help. It may not be done exactly as you would have done it, but the benefits of delegation exceed your need for perfectionism. Delegation not only alleviates your stress but it empowers others and builds trust in your relationships. Create the space for this by asking for help.
Day 6: Simplify meal planning and grocery shopping by making a meal plan. Start with planning one week and make a grocery list to match. Then make a second week plan and even a third. Before you know it you’ll have a whole repertoire of meal plans and grocery lists that you can use to not only save you the time and stress of planning later but also save you money. If meal planning is overwhelming and not your thing, then follow my previous advice and delegate. I offer custom meal plans with grocery lists and recipes to help you #lovenourishshine. Email me for more information.
Day 7: Schedule one hour alone every week for the next month to feed your soul. If you can do this daily, amazing, do it! Give yourself time to refill your tank. You give to others what you first give to yourself. So love yourself enough to take the time to recharge your batteries. Take care of yourself, you are worthy!