


The Healing Power of Bone Broth

Restorative and nourishing, bone broth is everywhere these days and understandably so. It’s affordable, packed with nutrient dense minerals, age-defying collagen, and easy to make at home in either your Instant Pot, slow cooker, or in a stockpot on the stove. Bone broth (or stock) is an ancestral food that’s been around for ages, literally. […]



What Does It Mean To Be In Alignment?

Alignment is when you feel like you’re in that ‘sweet spot’, that you’re taking steps forward based on listening to our own intuition and Soul’s purpose. Alignment is when your external journey is at a point of congruence with your instinctual, highest self, knowingness or intuition. It’s my opinion that action, in alignment with our […]



Homemade Mayonnaise

If I’d known how simple it was to make homemade mayo, I would’ve started making it long ago. It wasn’t until I got really serious about avoiding seed oils and their inflammatory effects that I decided to give it a try. It was SO EASY TO MAKE compared to how I thought it would be […]


Soul Inspiration

Trust and Why It’s So Important on Our Healing Journey

In The Nest Community this month we’re talking about trust. It’s a topic that’s come up again and again during our coaching calls each month, and it was time to do a deep dive into the subject. During the Masterclass this month, I shared this quote by Albert Einstein – I think it beautifully sums […]



Daily Detox Carrot Salad

Want to know the simplest and cheapest hormone balancing tool?  Would you believe me if I told you that it was a raw carrot salad eaten daily?! Whether you struggle with estrogen dominance, low thyroid function, inflammatory conditions, bacterial overgrowth, constipation, liver issues or the usual repercussions of a stressful life, a raw carrot salad should […]


Soul Inspiration

The Opportunity in Illness

I remember the first time someone suggested to me that maybe there was a gift to be discovered in my experience of being ill; I thought they were mad. In fact, I was f*$ing furious. How could anyone possibly suggest that being covered head to toe with red, scaly lesions that were so painful and […]


Body Love

7 Ways to Keep Your Immunity Strong

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has been top of mind for many people all over the world and I’ve had many people asking me what they can do to keep their immunity strong. With all the hype that’s out there on TV and online, it’s important to stay informed but also keep things in perspective so you don’t […]



Roasted Root Vegetables with Caper Vinaigrette

I have my friend Katia to thank for introducing me to this delicious recipe. I took a few liberties to make it my own but the bulk of it remains the same. It’s a delicious fall and winter vegetable dish that partners well with meat and vegan dishes a like. Whatever you decide to pair […]


Soul Inspiration

Reclaim Your Cycle & Fabulous Female Superpowers (Part 2)

Last week I wrote all about how the female menstrual cycle is an incredible resource of inherent body wisdom that offers us the opportunity to tap into our feminine superpowers in a life altering way fostering our well-being; if you missed Part 1 you can read it here. Today I want to continue the conversation and […]


Soul Inspiration

Reclaim Your Cycle & Fabulous Female Superpowers (Part 1)

Growing up I didn’t think a lot about my cycle. To be honest it felt more like an afterthought most of my life, it was something that happened and I ‘got through it’ discreetly every month. I would take pain killers and try to go about my life as per usual, just as it was […]


hey there!

I'm Maryska

I'm a Naturopathic Doctor, Healer and Intuitive Guide teaching women a new way to view their health so they can reclaim their power and heal. 

After over 20 years of study, working with women just like you, and navigating my own health journey, I've developed a unique healing methodology I call, The Art of Living. It's the tried and true backbone of all my coaching programs helping women transform their lives.

want to

feel more 

Grounded and calm?


I've got you! Give me 7 minutes of your time and I'll show you how resilient your body is! Click below to get your free Earth Connect Meditation. 


want to

feel more 

Grounded and calm?


I've got you! Give me 7 minutes of your time and I'll show you how resilient your body is. Click below to get your free Earth Connect Meditation. 





Empowering conversations on women's health including hormonal balance, restoring your metabolism, healing your gut, skin and nervous system, beating overwhelm and so much more!